WWE Champions Discord Server

Join our Discord and enjoy WWE Champions Bot

Trivia, mega pull simulator, events info, mega superstars info, and much moreā€¦

Do you want WWE Champions Bot on your Discord server?

Become a patron to get the bot on your Discord server.


Pull Simulator

Test your luck with mega, 2-star, premium superstars pulls, all FOR FREE!


Test your knowledge in a brand new WWE Champions trivia game.


Get events, mega superstars, guide info right into your Discord chat.


Here is a list of all the available commands you can use with WWE Champions Discord Bot.


Pulls simulator that supports <mega, 2star, premium>

!pull mega 30
!pull 2star 20
!pull premium 4


Play WWE Champions trivia with your buddies.



Get all known and planned events from WWE Champions Guide.



Get all known and planned mega Superstars from WWE Champions Guide.



Get a direct link to WWE Champions Guide website.



Get a direct link to Community Tier List / Trainer Guide.



This bot would not have been possible without the help of the following:

  • Wolfpac Elite Faction

    For their continuous support to WWE Champions Guide website, and for their efforts in alpha testing the bot to make sure it works as expected.

  • The Haven Faction

    For their excellent faction guide and for contributing trivia questions.

  • New Hope Faction

    For their excellent community tier guide.